Sunday, April 26, 2009

LED light as a therapy

  • Known as LED, or Deep Penetrating Light Therapy
  • Used to heal external (scars, cuts) and internal (pain, fractures)
  • Use of therapy on rise, but not in mainstream yet
Light therapy

Light emitting diodes (LEDs), are primarily a source of efficient light. However, they also benefit society in the medical field. Harry Latterman, a scientist from Arizona who used to be the operations manager for a small laser company, has been working with LEDs as a tool for physical therapy for 20 years. It’s a specialized therapy called LED light therapy, which involves red LEDs being shined in contact with physical conditions ranging from scars and cuts to internal damage and impairment. Latterman said that the light from the LEDs enter the tissue and revitalize inactive molecules over time. The process speeds up skin-level healing, and in more serious cases it makes healing and recovery possible when it originally wasn’t.

There is a lot of skepticism about the effectiveness of this treatment in the medical industry, but Latterman says he has many times witnessed LED therapy work miracles.

A lady Latterman knew had been told she would need to have surgery in 45 days on her eyes to remove the cataracts, a disease that makes the natural lenses in the eyes blurry. She got a hold of a red LED cluster, and pressed the light against her closed eyes for about a minute every day. Latterman said that after 15 days of doing so, she started seeing better. When the time for surgery had arrived, she no longer had cataracts.


Latterman says that the main argument skeptics of the therapy pose is the possibility of “the placebo effect”—the perceived improvement seen in one’s health because one expects it while under treatment, when in actuality the treatment has no effect. Latterman says animals help provide evidence to defend against the claim of the placebo effect. There is no placebo effect in animals, so if a treatment is given to one and its condition improves also, the argument is invalid.

This was just the case for the lady whose cataracts were gone after LED therapy. Latterman said that the lady’s neighbor had a dog that was nearly blind. She gave him the LED cluster to use on his dog, and eventually its vision was greatly improved as well.

Pain relief

Latterman said he once gave LEDs to an elder woman in Marina del Rey, Calif. who suffered from arthritis. She was forced to stay downstairs in her home because she couldn’t walk up and down the stairs with her bad knees, and she needed both hands to lift a coffee mug and open the front door because she had bad hands. After a time of treating her hands and knees with the LEDs he had given her, she invited Latterman over. When he arrived, Latterman said she opened the door for him, walked up and down the stairs and said, “Look what I’m doing!”

Latterman continues to spread the word about LED light therapy despite the skepticism it receives. He says he hopes it will eventually be recognized globally in the medical field for its effectiveness.


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